Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Millennium Kingdom

                The Day of the Lord will be the transition to entered to the next era. The Millennium is Christ literal earthly kingdom which will not be destroyed. The Day of the Lord judgement begin at the opening of the 'Seventh Seal'. The present heavens and earth will be destroyed (2 Pet.3:10,12; Zeph 1:18,14-18; Joel 2:1-4,10-11).

                The Millennium Kingdom is the result of God's blessing to all of His children's. The Lord promised to all the believers, that He will go to prepared a place [ home in heaven]. The Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to establish His kingdom. All this passage speak of that future return: (Isai 9:6-7;Act 15:14-17;Isai 52:1-2;66:10-21;Amos 9:11-12;Mt 16:28;26:29;John18:36;2 Pet 1:11) all of this passages are speaking to His literal kingdom (Rev 20:4-6) are referring to the Millennial.


                The New heavens and earth are parallel with 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1 and Isai 65:17. You can also see men building and planting as you read further in Isaiah. The Day of the Lord does not communicate any blessing,but destruction's. If the Millennium Kingdom is place before the Day of the Lord, then Christ earthly kingdom will be destroyed. It will make the Lord to be a liar,because He has promised to the believer Jews and the church a home and eternal life. Notice the word create and New heavens and earth could not be contradicted to Isaiah 65:17; 2 Pet 3:13 and Rev 21:1. The book of Revelation as I mentioned before is not the revelation of John the 'Scribe'. But rather, the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Lord will always fulfill His covenant with His people from the beginning until the end.

              Dear Friend:

          It is clear that Jesus Christ is coming as a thief in the night. Which mean no one will know the exact day and hour. But the Throne of Grace still open. He die on the cross and pay your penalty of sins in full.Your eternal destiny depend on your decision you made of accepting the offer of the eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. If you rejected Him, the bible teach that there is a eternal separation, Death and Header is real. The hell is a torture place with fire created for Satan and demons, you don't has to go to that place. All you have to do is to asked Jesus to come to your life, and cleanse you with His precious blood from all your sins and be your Lord and savior. Friend the bible say who ever calls the name of the Lord will be save. This is the first step of faith and find a church were you can grow spiritually.

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