Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Day of the Lord

           'The Day of the Lord' is the time of divine judgement upon the wicked. It is very important to identify accurately the timing of the Rapture of the church, and the timing of  'The Day of the Lord'. In (Mt 24:3) The disciple asked the Lord: ' Tell us when will these things be? and What will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the age?. The first thing I wanted to make it clear is that when the disciple asked the Lord what will be the 'Sign' of Your 'Coming', they clearly knew that there was one second coming. Notice that the word 'Sign and Coming' are written in singular not plural. The second observation is ' The end of Age'.

          The word coming is the Greek word   'Parousia' meaning continuous presence. Para mean [With] and Ousia mean [Being]. The second coming of Christ will be the manifestation of ( His glory, His continuous presence) to accomplished two purpose: To rapture the church and to judge the wicked. The sing of Christ coming will be shown on heaven, when cosmic disturbance are anticipating that 'God's Wrath' is about [to begin]. The natural light of the sun, moon and the stars will be turned off. The supernatural light will be turned on. Every nations will see Him in His glory, whether people are save or not let compare (Mt 24:29-31;Lk 21:25; Mk 13:24-25 they are parallel to Rev 6:12-13). The cosmic disturbance is the anticipation that 'Gods Wrath' is about to begin.
           The second observation to look up, is the 'The End of Age'. The end of age is the Greek word [aion] is not the " world" but a period or era age during events take place. In another word it is the appointed of one era to move on to the next era which will be [The Millennium Kingdom].
           The parable of the Tares and Wheat recorded in (Mt 13:37-43). The Lord interpreted as clear as possible when the disciple went and asked Him. The Wheat are[ the righteous] and the Tares are [the unrighteous]. They both are to coexist until ' The Harvest'. The harvest is 'The end of age'. (Mt 13:39) when the separation occur, 'The wicked will be cast into hell (Mt 13:41-42) and 'The righteous shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their father'.(Mt 13:43). The final harvest is the separation of the righteous and the unrighteous, and that final harvest is the end of the age. ( Mt 24:13) ' But he that shall endure unto 'The end', the same shall be save [deliver] from what? If the believer are save by faith in Christ and every believer has promised of eternal salvation. There is no doubt that the Lord meant the persecution from the Anti-Christ and from 'His Wrath'.
         The work of 'The great commision' to evangelize and witness to the nations has to be done until 'The End'. (Mt 24:14; 28:18-20) are parallel to 'The end or The end of age'.The Rapture of the church will occur in the same day as 'The Day of the Lord'. In (Mt 24:37-38) The Lord used the exact same testimony of Noah to described the [deliverance] they received before God send His Judgement upon the wicked. (Mt 24: 37-38). The Lord used the another testimony in (Lk 17:26-30) to described Lot [deliverance] in the same day when God send His judgement upon those two city Sodom and Gomorah.

     The most important part of the teaching in order to get the proper timing of the Rapture, and the timing of the Day of the Lord. Lets make a very careful observation: In (Rev 6:1-2) The Sixth Seal are open and the cosmic of disturbance with the sun, moon and the stars are announcing that 'God's Wrath' is about to begin. The next chapter ( Rev 7:2-3 and 7:9-10) two group of people was rescued at the 'Last trump'. The 144,000 are the Jews who was [seal for their security and protections]. The other groups are [Internationals] and they were also rescued (V10) They are praising the Lord for their [deliverance]. Also not to confused the 'Martyrs' at the opening of the Fifth Seal. These are 'Souls Under the Altar',they don't have bodies. The other two groups are the 144,000 Jews that survived until the end, the other group are international. Who survived until the end. These two groups have bodies and are standing in the ' Throne' not under the 'Altar'.

      The Last trump of the Rapture are not to be confused with 'The seven Trompets of Judgement' mentioned in (Rev 8:1) at the opening of the 'Seventh Seal'. The Last Trump of Rapture spoken by the Apostle Paul, in (1 Corinthian 15:51-52, 1 Thess. 4:16-17 are parallel with Mt 24:31 to gather God children to His presence. This happened after the 'Sixth Seal were opened, and according to Paul's teaching that Trumpet was sound by the Lord Himself  (1 Thess 4:16-17) not by angelic being.
      In (Rev 8:1) The Seventh Seal are opened and silence in heaven was done for about half an hour indicating that His Wrath will begin. In the entire chapter of Revelation you see {Seven angels and seven trumpets}preparing to begin their judgments. Those trumpets were given to the angels to harm the earth, not cause any resurrection. If the Rapture are place at the opening of the 'Seventh Seal' then the bride which is the church will experienced 'The Wrath of God'. The church is not appointed to 'Wrath' but to obtain salvation [deliverance] in Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:9).
      The Lord will never lie to his children's, He has offer eternal life and eternal security. Putting the church to experienced ' God's Wrath' will make the Lord to be a liar and will dishonored those who put their faith in the Lord. This should not be acceptable!!!
     The Seventh Seal are the final Judgment and includes, the seven trumpets and the bowls. They are to be together for the mistreats that was done to the Jewish and for those who decided to rejected the Lord. There will be thirty days mourning (Dan 12:11) when the Jewish realized that Jesus Christ is the true long waiting Messiah. Those thirty days are serve as a time for cleansing and preparation. There are in addition forty five days for cleansing of temple. (Dan 12:12) This are the seventy five days from Christ physical and Israel's national day of atonement at the end of the Daniel's seventieth week. The lastly will be 'The Kingdom Age' or the Millennium Kingdom.
      Dear Friend:
     If you are a believer, my desired is not to convinced any one and to give information of the end-time event.
But to help others with the understanding that the Church are to remain faithful during this period of difficulty, to our Lord Jesus. The other purposes are for the non believer to give them the understanding that Jesus Christ is coming. The decision will have to be done, before is too late.


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