Friday, November 12, 2010

The Armagedon

                     The book of Revelation is not the revelation of John 'The scribe'. But rather, the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Lord Himself  is the Author of the book of Revelation. Many believers think that the rapture of the church will occur in different views like: Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation.

                     One of the reasons why they believed  that, is because they associate the 'Last Trump' spoken by the Apostle Paul from the rapture in (1 Corinthian 15:51-53; 1 Thess 4:16-17 and Mt 24:31) to be the seven trumpets given to seven angels to begin their judgements. There are two reasons why the trumpets are to be sound, the first is to announce wars, the other reason is to gather the people to the presence of the Lord. In ( 1 Thess 4:16-17; Mt 24:31 are parallel with chapter 7 of the book of Reveletion) were we can see people gather and standing in the Throne of God, after the Sixth Seal were opened.

                     The other reason, is the confusion of the wrath of Satan and the wrath of God, in order to be able to identify which one is the one. There are two wrath: The wrath of Satan is been recorded in (Rev 12:12) and the wrath of God is been recorded in (Rev 6:16-17) is the anticipation that God's Wrath is about to begin. The other confusion are the 'Martyrs' mentioned in (Rev 6:9-11) are 'Souls Under the Altar' this group will get their bodies at the beginning of the 'Millennium'. This happened at the opening of the Fifth Seal. The other two groups are in chapter 7 and they are standing in the Throne of God with bodies and praising the Lord for their salvation [deliverance].

                      One thing to remember is that God final judgement does not start until the opening of the Seventh Seal. The seven trumpets and bowl are unfold to begin the judgment. The battle of Armageddon does not begin until Chapter 19. The Last confusion that has been created is that many believers assumed that the word church is not mentioned in chapter 4 until sometime in chapter 22. It is been believed because the word church is not mentioned that the rapture of the church has happened.

                     This create a serious problem because, the fact that the church is not mentioned is not an accurate evidence that was raptured. The validate reason must be that it is not the church in general who will go under the Anti-Christ persecution, but those who are remained faithful to the Lord. The hard labor are those who are not going to summit to the Anti-Christ authority in the worship service. Not the church in general because they will 'Fall away' from the faith-' The Apostacy'. When most people love for Christ will grow cold.

                    The rapture could not happened sevens years before as many believed and then return in seven years later to be rapture again. What would be God reason to fight for? . Notice that in the entire book of the bible, no where is ever founded the following word:  Comings, Raptures, Resurrections, Day of the Lords', God's Wraths ,Harvests ,Ends ,Signs, . In the Greek Parousias, Aions. All of this words are written in a singular, not plural. When the disciples asked the Lord When would be the 'Sign' of Your 'Coming' and of the End of Age?. The disciple clearly knew and understood that there was only one second coming.
                     Many Theologians and Pastor will deny this true at this present time because they know they will experienced persecution. Others may be learning this true, but knowing the true and not preparing the church for the great tribulation, it is a sin against God and for those that wanted to honor God until the End and they don't know the true. Some Pastor and Theologians may not considered this part of the end-time event important than the salvation of the souls,  and to be transformed in Christ image by growing together. How can a soldier win a battle if they are not informed of the battle planned and prepared the soldier for the battle field.

                     When the Anti-Christ shows up in the scenario, it will be the time of the testing and difficulties than ever before since the foundation of the world. The bride of Christ are to remained faithful no matter what. Others Theologians and Pastor may experienced fear and prideness to agreed that like in John days, the church are invited one more time to enter into the testing by the Anti-christ. The church are call to remain faithful and to persevere during the time of the last manifestation of the adversary.

                     Dear Friend:

                    This is not the time to think about our self  is about the Lord. The time is short for the next event and the church of Christ should be gather together to help each other, to pray for one another in a true spirit. Not cursing one another because that is not the Spirit of the Lord but loving one another. The soldiers of the darkness are well prepared in unity, because the demons believe that there is power when they work together. The church of Christ are right now isolated.


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