Monday, November 29, 2010

The ID of the Beast

             The introduction of the Anti-Christ will begin with some understanding of who he really is.
The bible recorded that "Satan", "Devil", "Dragon", "Serpent", "Beast", "Lucifer", was created by God as an angel. In (Isa 4:12-14) speak of his rebellion toward God. The arrived of the Anti-Christ will be to accomplish his two purposes: The first one is to opposed or be against Christ and the second is for him to be exalted and worshiped. The Antichrist will be a world ruler who will be empower by Satan to reign during the last temporary [3 1/2 years] of the last Daniel 70th weeks.(Dan 9:27)

              The most important part of this teaching is to be able to bring a clear understanding, for those who has not received Jesus Christ as a personal savior. The ID of the beast is in the bible, is very important to make wise decisions in order to be seal for eternity. Not bowing to get the mark of the beast is not enough, in order to enter to heaven you need to be save first, by receiving Jesus Christ as your personal savior. The Antichrist will be doing his work of signs, wonders to deceive the world. He will control the system by changing laws and to force people in order to buy, sell or hold a job to get his mark.

             The ID of the beast, is his Mark. In (Rev 13:15-18) it is written that the mark will indicate his ownership for those who received. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. (V16) He causes all both small and great ,rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, (V17) and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (V18) ["Here is wisdom"]. Let him  who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man:[ His number is 666].

           The bible warning for those who take the mark of the beast and worship the following judgment: (Rev 14:9-11) Then a third angel follow them saying with a loud voice, "If  anyone worships [the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, (V10) "he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. (V11) "And the smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, and whoever receives [the mark of his name].

            Ones, someone take the mark of the beast as much as they wanted to repent for salvation, it will be too late, It will be not possible to change ownership. In the same way as someone trust the Lord Christ, the believer are seal with the Holy Spirit to indicate ownership and protection. The ID of the beast will be his mark indicating his ownership. In (Rev 13:14) the Greek word for 666 is (Chi Xi Stigma). It is giving the following definition [to Tizzy or Stick] a mark incised or punched [for recognition of ownership]. The Mark with the definitions of [Stick, incised, punched, and mark Stigma is very close to the definition of Charagma].

             Stigma and Charagma both support the idea of a syringe inject able [micro ship like the very chip]. 'Stigma' will be  'On' the hand or forehead and not 'In' the hand or forehead. The Antichrist will demand the worship of the world. He will cause great signs and wonders in order to deceive people. (Rev 13:13-14). The time is getting closed and it is written in the bible, all of this event have been prophecy over 2,000 years ago.


          Dear Friend :

          The time will come that this manifestation of the 'Stigma' the ID of the beast, it will be mandatory and be official. The mark of the beast will only offer you temporary protection, because he will only have a short reign during his manifestation, at the last 3 1/2 years of Daniel 70th weeks. Nothing will compare to the eternity when Christ come to rapture the church. The Lord Jesus said in Mark 8:36: 'For what will it profit a man if he gains the [hole world, and loses his own soul]? The Antichrist only has a limited time to control and do his deceitful deeds and wanted to take as many souls he can, to the lake of fire.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Death and Hades

          Every day of our lives is a gift from God. The counsel of "God is love," "His Grace," and "Mercy" are the most popular sermon preach in the church of Christ. One of the other counsel, you don't often hear is "The judgment of God". The wrath of God is real as well as His mercy. In the old testament all the prophets, in all their 'Repent Sermon', they brought the blessing of those who obey God and the aware of divine judgment for those who don't obey the gospel.

          Jesus Christ, saw the need to teach His love,compassion and mercy.But it was also important for Him, to preach of His judgment, He didn't excluded. The house of those who has not received the Lord will catch up in fire, because the church has failed to communicate the judgment of God. For those who don't know, what is 'HELL'?,I will give you the biblical definition as clear as possible. It is a place you wanted avoid to go. The bible teach is a dark place were people who rejected Jesus Christ salvation, are tormented day and night in flaming fire.

          The Hebrew word for 'Hell' is [Sheol] and the Greek word is [Hades]. The life will continue after death, however, the direction of your eternal destiny will depend of your willing decision to receive or reject Jesus Christ salvation. The Lord said in (John 14:6) 'I am the way, the truth and life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. When time come to respond to God, His simple question: Why He should let you enter to heaven?. It will be not any valid and acceptable response than the completed work of Jesus on the cross.

         I will share some scripture that has to do with the judgement of God, Lets look for details of description of the place:

         In (Mt 25:41) ' Then he will also say to those on the left hand, Depart from Me, you curse, into the [everlasting fire] prepared for the devil and his angels.

        In (Mt 13:40,42) Therefore as the tares are gathered and [burned in the fire], so it will be at the end of the age. (V42) ' and will cast them into the [furnace of fire]. There will be [wailing and gnashing of teeth].

        In (Mt 22:11-13)  'But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. (V12) 'so he said to him, 'friend, how did you come here without a wedding garment? And he was speechless. (V13) Then the king said to the servants 'Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and [cast him into outer darkness]; there will be [weeping and gnashing of teeth].

       In (Lk 16:23-24,27-28) 'So it was the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham's blossom. The rich man also died and was buried. (V23) 'And being in [torments in 'Hades'] he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his blossom. (V24) 'Then he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy of me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am [tormented in this flame]. (V27) ' Then he said , I beg you therefore, father, that you would send to my fathers house, (V28) 'For I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come [to this place of torment].

      In (Rev 19:19-20) And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. (V20) Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who worshiped his image. These two were [cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone].

     In (Rev 20:12-15) And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened which is the book of life. And the dead were judged  according to their works by the things which were written in the books. The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. (V14) Then the Death and Hades were [cast into the lake of fire]. This is the second death. (V15) And any one  not found  written in the book of life [was cast into the lake of fire].

     The judgement of God is real as well as His mercy, however the Lord has offer to every man kind His redemption plan of salvation. For those who decided to reject God's mercy through Jesus will suffer the consequence of eternal separation and the punishment for their sins. The Lord did not create the lake of fire for human being, that was Satan punishment for his rebellion toward God and the other one third of the angels that agreed to rebelled against God. The Lord provided his salvation plan through his Son Jesus, but it is your decision whether or not you wanted accept his offer. 

         Dear Friend:

        The bible is the word of God the passage of scriptures of his judgement are over whelming . It really don't make any different whether people wanted to accepted or not because at the end, is not what I say or believe but what God has to say. This is the reason why this blog is call bible and doctrine because the ultimate answer is what God has to say. The testimony of the rich man and Lazarus is not a fairy tale story, they both die and went to two different place. The rich men did not went to hell because he was rich, but because he rejected the Lord during the time he was alive. He saw Lazarus far away from the distance and he was begging to have Lazarus, to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool his tongue. The rich men testify that he is tormented in flame fire, he express his desired for someone to tell his five brothers so they don't have to go to the same place he is. The rich men could not be so kind to express mercy, when during his life he did not show any compassion for Lazarus.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Spiritual Birth

                 It does make a different what you believe and who you believe. The bible recorded the sin of Adam and Eve by rebelling against God in the Garden of Eden  in (Gen 3). They both disobey the commandment of not eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The consequences for that act of disobedience has brought spiritual separation with an intimate relationship with God and physical death. In (Rom 5:12) Therefore , just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because [all sinned].

                It doesn't matter how good, moral with good principles, how much good deed you do for the Lord, if you are not born again [spiritually] you are not going to entered to heaven. Any body can argue about it, but that is what the bible teach. The only way to have an intimate relationship with God, is through His Spirit. You may experienced miracles that you may thought it came from God, you may pray the word of God, you may claim all His promise, but that has not nothing to do with confession, repentant from all your sins in order to have the Holy Spirit of God living inside of you. I will asked a simple question: Which God you are invoking?. The bible record Satan which is a fallen angel dress himself as an angel of light, to deceive people with all kinds of wonders.

                  The only way to enter to heaven is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (John 14:6) Jesus said 'I am the way, the truth, and the life, [ no one comes to the Father except through Me]. To be born again is to receive Jesus Christ as your personal savior. (John 1:12-13) But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name [ were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God].

                  The bible also recorded in (Rom 8:9) But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if [ anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His]. The salvation is very important because we all sinned against God. (Rom 5:8) the salvation of your soul has been provided. The Lord Jesus Christ die on the cross and pay your penalty in full, so you can spend eternity with Him.

                  The salvation is a free gift from God. You don't have to work for or earn it or buy it. (Rom 5:8 ) for the wages of sin is death, [but the gift of God is eternal life  in Christ Jesus our Lord]. The human race will be save by His grace through faith in Christ. ( Eph 2:8-9) for [by grace] you have been saved through [faith], and [not of yourselves; it is the [ gift of God], [not of works] lest anyone should boast.

                 The work of Jesus Christ is the only way that can get you to heaven and to have an intimate relationship with God. (1 John 5:11-12) he who believes in the Son of God has the witness in himself; he who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of His Son. And this the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He whose has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

                Dear Friend: 

             The bible is clear that those who does not have Jesus Christ in their life can not have an intimate relationship with God. The Spirit of God has to be living inside of the person and the only way to have that relationship is through Jesus Christ. If you are not a believer, what are you waiting for? it may be the time when it will be too late. The Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon, the Anti-Christ will show up in the scenario to demand the worship of the world. If you receive the mark of the beast, it will be too late for your salvation. All you have to do is where ever you are to asked JESUS to come to your life, to cleansed you from all your sin and to be your Lord and savior. The bible teach who ever call on the name of the Lord will be save. After this first step of faith find a church were the word of God is preach.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Which part of the Resurrection?

           Many Christians has interpreted that there is more than one resurrection, because the bible mentioned in ( Rev 20:4-5). Blessed are those who has part of the first resurrection. The bible is the word of God and there are no error in anything, a very careful observation must need to be done.

           In ( Act 24:15) the Apostle Paul wrote ' I have hope in God, that there would be a resurrection of the dead, both of [the just] and [the unjust]. Notice that the word resurrection is written singular not plural. Now lets go back to (Rev. 20:5-6) But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the [First resurrection]. (V6) Blessed and holy is he who has part in the [First resurrection]. Over such the [second death] has no power, but they shall be priest of God and Christ, and shall reign with Him a [ Thousand years] speaking of His future earthly kingdom.

           In (V6) The first resurrection are those who are resurrected in Christ to reign with Him. The death without Christ will be also resurrected but to eternal separation, that's the reason why is mentioned [the second dead]. The Apostle Paul wrote the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous in [ Act 24:15] it is parallel to the resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous (Rev 20:5-6,14). That's the reason why it is mentioned  blessed are those who has part of the first resurrection, speaking in the context of those who are resurrected in Christ, instead of been resurrected without Christ for eternal perdition. (V6,14).

            Dear Friend:
        Every human being will be resurrected at the second coming of Christ. The important part of this teaching is to comprehend that one group of people will be resurrected to reign with Christ, and the other group of people will resurrected without any hope of to be resurrected to be with Christ. The time of the most important decision, to be a part of the First resurrection is in this side of the eternity, not after you pass out from your body. The Lord Jesus want to save you and give you a hope for eternity. It is your decision which part of the resurrection you wanted be.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Millennium Kingdom

                The Day of the Lord will be the transition to entered to the next era. The Millennium is Christ literal earthly kingdom which will not be destroyed. The Day of the Lord judgement begin at the opening of the 'Seventh Seal'. The present heavens and earth will be destroyed (2 Pet.3:10,12; Zeph 1:18,14-18; Joel 2:1-4,10-11).

                The Millennium Kingdom is the result of God's blessing to all of His children's. The Lord promised to all the believers, that He will go to prepared a place [ home in heaven]. The Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth to establish His kingdom. All this passage speak of that future return: (Isai 9:6-7;Act 15:14-17;Isai 52:1-2;66:10-21;Amos 9:11-12;Mt 16:28;26:29;John18:36;2 Pet 1:11) all of this passages are speaking to His literal kingdom (Rev 20:4-6) are referring to the Millennial.


                The New heavens and earth are parallel with 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1 and Isai 65:17. You can also see men building and planting as you read further in Isaiah. The Day of the Lord does not communicate any blessing,but destruction's. If the Millennium Kingdom is place before the Day of the Lord, then Christ earthly kingdom will be destroyed. It will make the Lord to be a liar,because He has promised to the believer Jews and the church a home and eternal life. Notice the word create and New heavens and earth could not be contradicted to Isaiah 65:17; 2 Pet 3:13 and Rev 21:1. The book of Revelation as I mentioned before is not the revelation of John the 'Scribe'. But rather, the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Lord will always fulfill His covenant with His people from the beginning until the end.

              Dear Friend:

          It is clear that Jesus Christ is coming as a thief in the night. Which mean no one will know the exact day and hour. But the Throne of Grace still open. He die on the cross and pay your penalty of sins in full.Your eternal destiny depend on your decision you made of accepting the offer of the eternal salvation through Jesus Christ. If you rejected Him, the bible teach that there is a eternal separation, Death and Header is real. The hell is a torture place with fire created for Satan and demons, you don't has to go to that place. All you have to do is to asked Jesus to come to your life, and cleanse you with His precious blood from all your sins and be your Lord and savior. Friend the bible say who ever calls the name of the Lord will be save. This is the first step of faith and find a church were you can grow spiritually.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Armagedon

                     The book of Revelation is not the revelation of John 'The scribe'. But rather, the revelation of Jesus Christ. The Lord Himself  is the Author of the book of Revelation. Many believers think that the rapture of the church will occur in different views like: Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation.

                     One of the reasons why they believed  that, is because they associate the 'Last Trump' spoken by the Apostle Paul from the rapture in (1 Corinthian 15:51-53; 1 Thess 4:16-17 and Mt 24:31) to be the seven trumpets given to seven angels to begin their judgements. There are two reasons why the trumpets are to be sound, the first is to announce wars, the other reason is to gather the people to the presence of the Lord. In ( 1 Thess 4:16-17; Mt 24:31 are parallel with chapter 7 of the book of Reveletion) were we can see people gather and standing in the Throne of God, after the Sixth Seal were opened.

                     The other reason, is the confusion of the wrath of Satan and the wrath of God, in order to be able to identify which one is the one. There are two wrath: The wrath of Satan is been recorded in (Rev 12:12) and the wrath of God is been recorded in (Rev 6:16-17) is the anticipation that God's Wrath is about to begin. The other confusion are the 'Martyrs' mentioned in (Rev 6:9-11) are 'Souls Under the Altar' this group will get their bodies at the beginning of the 'Millennium'. This happened at the opening of the Fifth Seal. The other two groups are in chapter 7 and they are standing in the Throne of God with bodies and praising the Lord for their salvation [deliverance].

                      One thing to remember is that God final judgement does not start until the opening of the Seventh Seal. The seven trumpets and bowl are unfold to begin the judgment. The battle of Armageddon does not begin until Chapter 19. The Last confusion that has been created is that many believers assumed that the word church is not mentioned in chapter 4 until sometime in chapter 22. It is been believed because the word church is not mentioned that the rapture of the church has happened.

                     This create a serious problem because, the fact that the church is not mentioned is not an accurate evidence that was raptured. The validate reason must be that it is not the church in general who will go under the Anti-Christ persecution, but those who are remained faithful to the Lord. The hard labor are those who are not going to summit to the Anti-Christ authority in the worship service. Not the church in general because they will 'Fall away' from the faith-' The Apostacy'. When most people love for Christ will grow cold.

                    The rapture could not happened sevens years before as many believed and then return in seven years later to be rapture again. What would be God reason to fight for? . Notice that in the entire book of the bible, no where is ever founded the following word:  Comings, Raptures, Resurrections, Day of the Lords', God's Wraths ,Harvests ,Ends ,Signs, . In the Greek Parousias, Aions. All of this words are written in a singular, not plural. When the disciples asked the Lord When would be the 'Sign' of Your 'Coming' and of the End of Age?. The disciple clearly knew and understood that there was only one second coming.
                     Many Theologians and Pastor will deny this true at this present time because they know they will experienced persecution. Others may be learning this true, but knowing the true and not preparing the church for the great tribulation, it is a sin against God and for those that wanted to honor God until the End and they don't know the true. Some Pastor and Theologians may not considered this part of the end-time event important than the salvation of the souls,  and to be transformed in Christ image by growing together. How can a soldier win a battle if they are not informed of the battle planned and prepared the soldier for the battle field.

                     When the Anti-Christ shows up in the scenario, it will be the time of the testing and difficulties than ever before since the foundation of the world. The bride of Christ are to remained faithful no matter what. Others Theologians and Pastor may experienced fear and prideness to agreed that like in John days, the church are invited one more time to enter into the testing by the Anti-christ. The church are call to remain faithful and to persevere during the time of the last manifestation of the adversary.

                     Dear Friend:

                    This is not the time to think about our self  is about the Lord. The time is short for the next event and the church of Christ should be gather together to help each other, to pray for one another in a true spirit. Not cursing one another because that is not the Spirit of the Lord but loving one another. The soldiers of the darkness are well prepared in unity, because the demons believe that there is power when they work together. The church of Christ are right now isolated.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Day of the Lord

           'The Day of the Lord' is the time of divine judgement upon the wicked. It is very important to identify accurately the timing of the Rapture of the church, and the timing of  'The Day of the Lord'. In (Mt 24:3) The disciple asked the Lord: ' Tell us when will these things be? and What will be the sign of Your coming, and the end of the age?. The first thing I wanted to make it clear is that when the disciple asked the Lord what will be the 'Sign' of Your 'Coming', they clearly knew that there was one second coming. Notice that the word 'Sign and Coming' are written in singular not plural. The second observation is ' The end of Age'.

          The word coming is the Greek word   'Parousia' meaning continuous presence. Para mean [With] and Ousia mean [Being]. The second coming of Christ will be the manifestation of ( His glory, His continuous presence) to accomplished two purpose: To rapture the church and to judge the wicked. The sing of Christ coming will be shown on heaven, when cosmic disturbance are anticipating that 'God's Wrath' is about [to begin]. The natural light of the sun, moon and the stars will be turned off. The supernatural light will be turned on. Every nations will see Him in His glory, whether people are save or not let compare (Mt 24:29-31;Lk 21:25; Mk 13:24-25 they are parallel to Rev 6:12-13). The cosmic disturbance is the anticipation that 'Gods Wrath' is about to begin.
           The second observation to look up, is the 'The End of Age'. The end of age is the Greek word [aion] is not the " world" but a period or era age during events take place. In another word it is the appointed of one era to move on to the next era which will be [The Millennium Kingdom].
           The parable of the Tares and Wheat recorded in (Mt 13:37-43). The Lord interpreted as clear as possible when the disciple went and asked Him. The Wheat are[ the righteous] and the Tares are [the unrighteous]. They both are to coexist until ' The Harvest'. The harvest is 'The end of age'. (Mt 13:39) when the separation occur, 'The wicked will be cast into hell (Mt 13:41-42) and 'The righteous shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their father'.(Mt 13:43). The final harvest is the separation of the righteous and the unrighteous, and that final harvest is the end of the age. ( Mt 24:13) ' But he that shall endure unto 'The end', the same shall be save [deliver] from what? If the believer are save by faith in Christ and every believer has promised of eternal salvation. There is no doubt that the Lord meant the persecution from the Anti-Christ and from 'His Wrath'.
         The work of 'The great commision' to evangelize and witness to the nations has to be done until 'The End'. (Mt 24:14; 28:18-20) are parallel to 'The end or The end of age'.The Rapture of the church will occur in the same day as 'The Day of the Lord'. In (Mt 24:37-38) The Lord used the exact same testimony of Noah to described the [deliverance] they received before God send His Judgement upon the wicked. (Mt 24: 37-38). The Lord used the another testimony in (Lk 17:26-30) to described Lot [deliverance] in the same day when God send His judgement upon those two city Sodom and Gomorah.

     The most important part of the teaching in order to get the proper timing of the Rapture, and the timing of the Day of the Lord. Lets make a very careful observation: In (Rev 6:1-2) The Sixth Seal are open and the cosmic of disturbance with the sun, moon and the stars are announcing that 'God's Wrath' is about to begin. The next chapter ( Rev 7:2-3 and 7:9-10) two group of people was rescued at the 'Last trump'. The 144,000 are the Jews who was [seal for their security and protections]. The other groups are [Internationals] and they were also rescued (V10) They are praising the Lord for their [deliverance]. Also not to confused the 'Martyrs' at the opening of the Fifth Seal. These are 'Souls Under the Altar',they don't have bodies. The other two groups are the 144,000 Jews that survived until the end, the other group are international. Who survived until the end. These two groups have bodies and are standing in the ' Throne' not under the 'Altar'.

      The Last trump of the Rapture are not to be confused with 'The seven Trompets of Judgement' mentioned in (Rev 8:1) at the opening of the 'Seventh Seal'. The Last Trump of Rapture spoken by the Apostle Paul, in (1 Corinthian 15:51-52, 1 Thess. 4:16-17 are parallel with Mt 24:31 to gather God children to His presence. This happened after the 'Sixth Seal were opened, and according to Paul's teaching that Trumpet was sound by the Lord Himself  (1 Thess 4:16-17) not by angelic being.
      In (Rev 8:1) The Seventh Seal are opened and silence in heaven was done for about half an hour indicating that His Wrath will begin. In the entire chapter of Revelation you see {Seven angels and seven trumpets}preparing to begin their judgments. Those trumpets were given to the angels to harm the earth, not cause any resurrection. If the Rapture are place at the opening of the 'Seventh Seal' then the bride which is the church will experienced 'The Wrath of God'. The church is not appointed to 'Wrath' but to obtain salvation [deliverance] in Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:9).
      The Lord will never lie to his children's, He has offer eternal life and eternal security. Putting the church to experienced ' God's Wrath' will make the Lord to be a liar and will dishonored those who put their faith in the Lord. This should not be acceptable!!!
     The Seventh Seal are the final Judgment and includes, the seven trumpets and the bowls. They are to be together for the mistreats that was done to the Jewish and for those who decided to rejected the Lord. There will be thirty days mourning (Dan 12:11) when the Jewish realized that Jesus Christ is the true long waiting Messiah. Those thirty days are serve as a time for cleansing and preparation. There are in addition forty five days for cleansing of temple. (Dan 12:12) This are the seventy five days from Christ physical and Israel's national day of atonement at the end of the Daniel's seventieth week. The lastly will be 'The Kingdom Age' or the Millennium Kingdom.
      Dear Friend:
     If you are a believer, my desired is not to convinced any one and to give information of the end-time event.
But to help others with the understanding that the Church are to remain faithful during this period of difficulty, to our Lord Jesus. The other purposes are for the non believer to give them the understanding that Jesus Christ is coming. The decision will have to be done, before is too late.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Great Tribulation

            The last seven year of Daniel's seventieth week are divided in three section. Many believers are not aware with this true. 'The Beginning of Sorrow' (Mt 24:8). 'The Great Tribulation' (Mt 24:21) and 'The Day of the Lord' (Ezek 13:4-8; Joel 1:15; 2:1-2; 10-11, 30-31; 2 Pet D3:10-12; Isa 2: 12-21; 13:6-13; 34:1-8). The Day of the Lord is the time of divine judgement upon Israel and the Gentile nation for their sin and unrepentant rebellion.

             'The Great Tribulation'  in (Mt 24:21) as you can see are not similar with the 'The Day of the Lord'. The last 3 1/2 years of Daniel seventieth week, using the Lord's teaching in Mathew 24:15-21 are parallel to Daniel  9:27 making harmony with Revelation 6. The first event we need to see is, The event of the Desolation of the Temple. The Lord could not contradicted himself, when He gave the exact reference of the prophet Daniel in Mt 24:15 and Dan 9:27 to his disciple. The second point is the warning to flee Jerusalem, and not to pick any clothing (Mt 24:15-20).

             The Lord mentioned in (Mt 24:21) 'great tribulation'. He said will be 'great tribulation' such has not been, since the foundation of the world until this time. Speaking of the exact event of [ The desolation of the temple]. Here is a good question: Are this persecution spoken from the Lord himself, are God's wrath or Satan wrath (Mt 24:15-29). How can God persecute during the great tribulation his children?. It is clear that this persecution is ' The Anti-Christ' toward the God elect. The good news is that the 'great tribulation' will be shortened, not the seven year of period. (Mt 24:22)

Rev. 6:9-11

When He opened the Fifth seal, I saw under 'The Altar' the souls, of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying 'How long, o Lord Holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell the earth? Then a white robe was given to each of them, and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethrem, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

These Martyrs Under the Altar, are 'Martyrdom' of believing remnant [ especially among in the land of Israel] who will not worship 'The Anti-Christ'. The fifth seal and the event of the 'Abomination of Desolation' of the temple is the catalyst for 'The Great Tribulation'.(Dan 9:27; 11:45; Mt 24:9,15-29; Rev 12:1-5,13:15-17). The First five seal it is also thought in the Scripture of the Period of the Apostacy. Lets compare the letter of the Apostle Paul, to the church of Thessalonian.

2 Thess 2:3-4  Paul's teaching are parallel to Dan 9:27. The Apostle Paul mentioned two event: First the great falling equal to a total abandonment. The second event is The man of sin is revealed, The son of perdition which is the same reference as the Anti-Christ. Many believers think that the church, will  be rapture in the middle of the tribulation. Which equal 3 1/2 years of Daniel seventieth week. They believe that the church will be removed from the persecution. However you can see what the Lord spoke to his disciples.(Mt 24:15) He use the exact reference of ( Dan 9:27) with the abomination of the desolation, and the instruction to his disciples to flee Jerusalem.

The Church was never promised to be remove from persecution, hardship,trouble,affliction. But the Lord promise the church, the help of the Holy Spirit to ovecome those situation. In the first Seven years of Daniel week, The church were present, they were persecuted, they were scatted, and other believers were killed for their faith. What make someone think, that the last Seven years of Daniel the church will be remove?.

The Last even waiting to see, beside 'The abomination of desolation' is 'The two Witnesses' In the old testament there is a mentioned of one of them. (Mal 4:5-6) ' Behold I will send you Elijah, the prophet (Before) the coming of the great and terrible day[ Speaking of the Day of the Lord] And shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children to their fathers, Lest I come and smite the earth with curse'. Some believe that is meant someone like Elijah, weather is Elijah or not, the point is that in the book of Revelation is been recorded two witnesses and the duration of their ministry, is the exact 1,260 or 3 1/2 years.(Rev. 11:3).


The Lord Jesus Christ is coming, and soon every human being will face the Lord God Almighty. If you haven't decided to ask the Lord Jesus to come to your life, and save you . What will be your response to the Lord? The bible teach that it is appointed for men to die once,but after this the judgment (Hebr 9:27) Those that are not receiving  Jesus Christ as their personal savior, will suffer eternal separation. There is a place call hell or 'Hades' ( Luke 16:19-31). The Lord does not want any body to go to that place. It is your decision!! May God bless you.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Beginning of Sorrow

            The false hope of 'Imminent Rapture' is the believe that Christ come at any time moment,with no prophecy been fulfill. Some believe that Christ will come in the middle of the Tribulation period, others believe that Christ come at the end of the Tribulation period. Let God word be the final authority and follow this great journey with the end time prophecy. The bible teach phrases as 'to be alert '(Lk21:36),''to see','look at'(Mk13:33,Heb10:25).
  'to be awake', 'to keep awake(Mt24:42-43,25:13,Lk12:37,39,Rv16:15,Rv3:2-3,1Thess5:6,10) and many other phrases are indicating the meaning of expectancy ,nothing to do with any time moment.
           By 'Expectant Rapture' it is meant that every generation could entered the 'Seventieth week' recorded in the book of Daniel to experience rapture. Let me show you something about the first three year and a half of the Seven year of Daniel, and lets do a very careful observation.The first last three and a half of the Final Daniel's seventieth week are called 'The beginning of sorrow' or 'The birth spang'. The Lord's teaching recorded in the book of Mathew Chapter 24, and The Chapter 6 of the book of  Revelation are parallel with the 'Seventieth' week of Daniel.

Mt 24: 4-5
 When Jesus spoke about of "Many Christ' is meant to say a singular world ruler. Is not saying many 'Christs' plural, this is a great observation of the individual world ruler call the Anti-Christ.

Rev. 6:1-2
The first seal is, 'The White Horse' and the rider. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out to conquering and to conquer.Through diplomacy and false religions. Many believers has interpreted the 'The White Horse' as Jesus second coming to rapture the church. What happen to the rest of the six seals? Compare the sixth seal with Mt. 24: 24

Mt. 24: 6-7
Jesus told his disciple, they will hear wars and rumor of wars. Not to be troubled because the End is not yet. Another observation, why do you think Jesus said in this particular event, not to be troubled? After so many wars, they have experienced through out history.

Rev. 6: 3-4
The second seal is, 'The Fiery Red Horse' and the rider. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace for the earth,that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a  great sword.

Mt. 24: 7
Jesus provide the same results of wars, causing famine, pestilence, and earth quakes in various places.

Rev. 6: 6
The third seal. 'The Black Horse' and a rider. and I heard a voice  in the midst of the four living creatures saying. " A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and the wines. Which means food supplies will be rationed.

Mt. 24: 7-8
All of this is " The Beginning of Sorrow" or 'The Birth Spang'.

Rev. 6: 7-8
The fourth seal is, 'The Pale Horse' and the name of him who sat on it was the Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given them over a fourth of the earth to kill with his sword and hunger, with death, and by the beast of the earth.

The bible doesn't teach hour or date of Christ second coming, but what the bible teach is that man ,will know the general period of time. Many believers argue that 'The Horse' mention in the book of Revelation are not meant the period of Daniel's seventieth week going parallel to the book of Mathew. What is it? Lets do a closed observation: The First Horse and a rider a crown was given to him to 'conquer' is the key. When JESUS  come to rapture the church, they will be 'No conquering' but 'gatherine' the elect to rapture the church.

Today's News with the observation with the scriptures:

The event spoken on Daniel 9:27. The Covenant that the world ruler will bring in the table, to the land of Israel will bring 'Peace and Security' agreement. Isaiah 28:14 is another reference with the covenant that will go parallel to Daniel seventieth week. The other observation we have to compare with the news, are 'The rebuilt Temple'. There are many organizations working with that project, and the temple located in Moriah are not far to be finish.The third thing we have look up, is for all the nuclear weapons that has been trans-
ported to Iraq. The world war three will be starting soon, compare to what JESUS told his disciple of KINGDOM against KINGDOM.

Dear Friend: You and I can not change the scripture, if you are a believer in Christ, I will encourage every believer to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. This final seven year period are nothing comparing to the reward is waiting for us. There are many religions that are willing to die, for something they think will get them to heaven. Will Christ find believers, that will remain true to Him until the end?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

The purpose of this blog is to help others to get to know Jesus Christ as a personal savior, and invite you to travel with me through the scripture, into the final harvest end -time event, and discover truth for yourself, with comparison of the world news middle east, in order to place together in the biblical order of the event, and to help others within the body in CHRIST to remain steady and truth to the Lord Jesus Christ.