Monday, January 31, 2011

Christ Singular Second Coming

 This is the time than ever before, were false Christs, prophets, false doctrines, and wonders will arise up in order to destroy the solid foundation of Jesus Christ teaching. In this teaching I will demonstrate other words that are employed to Christ singular second coming, but before I begin the teaching, I wanted to go back to the book of Daniel (9:24) when God said to Daniel [Seventy weeks"] is determine upon thy people.

 This part of the prophecy of [ "Seventy weeks" ] were the seventy periods of exactly seven years, of 490 years that became literal. There would be 69 sevens (483 years) from the command to [ rebuild Jerusalem] until [ the coming of Messiah ]. Daniel (9:25) Afterwards the city of Jerusalem and the sanctuary [ the temple ] would be destroyed. Dan (9:26)

  The key in this part of the prophecy to observe is the command [ to rebuild Jerusalem ] until the [ coming of Messiah ]. Notice that in this text is talking about [ rebuilt, or restoration ]. The first temple was built by king Solomon, not rebuilt or restore. The temple that Daniel is referring is the second temple in this part of the prophecy and the first coming of the Messiah. Now why it is so important to go on detail in this part of the prophecy? because this is one of the false doctrine that has been arise up in the church of Christ, were many believers has been teaching that the first Seven years of Daniel the church will be Rapture, and Christ will return Seven years later to get those left behind in the third coming. Another reason why it is so important to comprehend this true, is because there will be a false Christ that will arise up to do false signs and wonders. He will declare to the world that he is the Messiah.

 In the bible God said that my people perish because of the lack of knowledge. The Lord Jesus before He was crucify, He was in Jerusalem. In (Mt 24:2) the Lord said to His disciple: "Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down. The question in this text, which city and temple Jesus prophecy the destruction? The destruction is in agreement with Daniel prophecy. This part of the prophecy was fulfilled when the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the second temple in 70 A.D.

 The other part of the prophecy of Daniel's final Seven year period ( or 70th week) is recorded in (9:27) of the book of Daniel. What are the event involve of Daniel final Seven years? The first is a covenant with Israel, of peace and security agreement. The second is the great falling, or the apostasy. In the land of Israel there is a organization that is working to train priest to make sacrifices and the preparation of the furniture (the pieces) for the altar. There is no need for that because Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. The church of Christ out of 6 to 7 worship songs, maybe one time the name of Jesus and the work of the cross is mentioned. The name of Jesus Christ in most churches has been excluded and less exalted. The work of the Holy Spirit has been avoided in most churches. Could that be the exact great falling away the apostle Paul wrote in (2 Tess. 2:3)? The answer is yes.

 The church of Christ are to remember that God said that at the name of Jesus every tongue and knees will bow down and confess that Jesus is the Lord. The issue is not the name of God, Lord, Immanuel, Jehovah Shalom, and any other name the scripture will refer to the sovereign Lord of the universe, but if Jesus Christ will be exalted, worship,and accepted as the Lord and savior. The third event is the reconstruction of the third temple. The third temple is the preparation for the fourth event, which is the arise of the world ruler call the Anti Christ. The bible does not give us name who he is, and how he look like, but the bible teach us where and when the Anti Christ will be reveled.

  The Lord Jesus reveled to His disciples of the Abomination of Desolation recorded in (Mt 24:15). Notice that this important event are also parallel to Daniel (9:27). The Anti Christ will show up right in the middle of the last Seven years of Daniel. He will be in Jerusalem at the temple causing the great tribulation, which is the persecution to the faithful remnant Jews. The fifth event is tied together is the two witness in the land of Israel. They will be proclaiming the word of God, and their duration of their ministry is the exact 1,260. (Rev. 11:3)

  The singular Christ second coming is very important to be comprehend, because there will be a false coming of Messiah, who will perform signs and wonders as well. The word coming is the Greek word [ Paraousia ]. However there is other three word that are employed to Christ second coming, and it is very important to comprehend this true. The first word is the Greek word [ erchomai ] translated coming. The Lord Jesus said in (Mt 16:28) " Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming [ erchomai ] in His kingdom.

  The second word employed is [ apokalypsis] translated coming or revelation. Its basic meaning is to disclose or bring to light. There is a disclosure bringing light of the Lord Jesus by men who were under the controlling influence of Holy Spirit. When the Apostle John wrote the rest of the end time prophecy in (Rev 1:10) he was in the [Spirit ] on the Lord's Day. The apostle John was the scribe, but the Author of the book of Revelation  is the Lord Jesus. (Rev 1: 1).  The Apostle Paul wrote in (1 Cor. 1:7) so that you come short in no gift eagerly waiting for the revelation [ apokalypsis, coming] of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 The final word is [epiphaneia] is indicating a visible manifestation of a hidden deity. It could be either in person or by some great act through which his presence is reveled. The bible indicates that Christ will come with great glory and power in the old and new testament it is written. The Apostle Paul wrote in (2 Tim. 4:1) this way: I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing [ epiphaneia] and His kingdom.

 These three different words that are employed in connection with Christ singular second coming, many believers has interpreted as to prove two separate comings. The Greek word echomai [coming], apokalypsis [coming or revelation], and epiphaneia [ appearing] are not describing two comings, they are words employed to describe different aspects of Christ's singular coming. The word [ Paraosia] coming use by the disciple in (Mt 24:3) is evident that they clearly understood that there is only one second coming. The Greek word Paraousia is translated [Para] mean with, and [ousia] mean being. It is an arrival of the consequent presence with.

 There is two different comings and a very careful observation must be done. The bible recorded an arrival, coming or [Paraousia] of the world ruler who will declare to the world that he is the Messiah. (2 Thess 2:9) he will performed miracles and signs, that even the elect will deceive if possible. He will make fire come down from heaven according to (Rev 13:13). The second arrive is recorded in (Lk 21:25-28) the stars will fall down compare to (Rev 6:12-13) the sun and the moon meaning that Jesus will not touch the earth, there is the preparation set up with the cosmic for His coming.The apostle Paul also wrote that Christ will come as thief in the night, meaning that no one will not know the exact day and hour.

 A thief never tell  the victim when  is the time he will perform his duty to steal. Also, anyone who has been robbed knows that a thief goal is to steal as quit as possible and then disappear. That is the idea of the Rapture, it is true that the word Rapture has never appear in the bible, because this word come from the Latin [ Raptus ] meaning " a dragging or taking away, a violent rending. The new testament was translated into the Greek language. The two [ Paraousia ] are different and one is to perform Satan works or duties, and the other one is to accomplished two purpose to Rapture the church, and to judge the wicked.

 Dear Friend:
  The time is getting near of the second coming of the false Messiah, and the truth Messiah. The bible has been written over 2,000 years and has been carefully preserve until this generation. The Lord could not be in error, when He declare specific events that must happen before He come. It is important for the church of God to be faithful to Christ, and to continue the proclamation of the gospel until the end.  If you are reading this massage and are not save, this true will not make any different until you personally asked the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, cleanse you from all of your sin, and to come into your life and be your Lord and savior.

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