Monday, December 27, 2010

The Broken Cisterns

  The Lord was communicating to His people their consequences for forsake Him. The prophet (Jeremiah 2:13) wrote, "For My people have committed two evils: They forsake Me, the fountain of living waters, and hew themselves cisterns-broken cisterns that can hold no water.

  Cisterns are reservoirs dug into the earth, usually out of solid rock, designed to hold water. A  fountain is an artisan spring, bubbling up from the earth with an unending supply of fresh, pure water. The bible always bring an open invitation, for believers and none believers to come to drink from the fountain of living waters.

   The Lord Jesus gave an invitation in (John 4:13-14) to the Samaritan woman in the well. This woman was not a believer, and Jesus invite her to drink from the fountain of living waters. In (V13) Jesus answered and said to her, [ "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again"], (V14) "But whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never thirst. But the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life".

   The invitation it is also open for the bride of Christ, which is the church. In (Rev 22:17) And the Spirit and the bride say, "come!" And let him who hears say, "come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. The invitation has been always for anyone, in the same way, I bring a horse to drink water, If the horse choose not to drink from the water, has missed the blessing of his satisfaction.

  Broken cisterns is anything that take the first place in your life, rather than Jesus Christ. It could be your finances, career, families, friends, or ministry. The time will come, when those broken cisterns will become empty. It can also happen like the Samaritan woman that found the well too deep, and didn't have nothing in her hand to draw the water with. When everything else in life is gone, job, friends, families, possessions,health, than the only place always open is the throne of His grace. The only place and person to go will always be our Lord Jesus.

  Dear Friend:
   Nothing in life in this side in  this eternity can last! You can have it, and work for it, but understand that this side is only a short time. You will be able to enjoy whateever you want to achieve for a short period of time, the Lord Jesus want to offer you something more than what you can accomplish. He is offering eternal life and a quality life. He want to have a personal relationship with you, but it is your choice and decision. He is a gentlemen, and will not force anyone to come to drink from the living water. It is an invitation, and it is open for everyone.

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