Monday, December 27, 2010

The Broken Cisterns

  The Lord was communicating to His people their consequences for forsake Him. The prophet (Jeremiah 2:13) wrote, "For My people have committed two evils: They forsake Me, the fountain of living waters, and hew themselves cisterns-broken cisterns that can hold no water.

  Cisterns are reservoirs dug into the earth, usually out of solid rock, designed to hold water. A  fountain is an artisan spring, bubbling up from the earth with an unending supply of fresh, pure water. The bible always bring an open invitation, for believers and none believers to come to drink from the fountain of living waters.

   The Lord Jesus gave an invitation in (John 4:13-14) to the Samaritan woman in the well. This woman was not a believer, and Jesus invite her to drink from the fountain of living waters. In (V13) Jesus answered and said to her, [ "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again"], (V14) "But whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never thirst. But the water I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life".

   The invitation it is also open for the bride of Christ, which is the church. In (Rev 22:17) And the Spirit and the bride say, "come!" And let him who hears say, "come!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. The invitation has been always for anyone, in the same way, I bring a horse to drink water, If the horse choose not to drink from the water, has missed the blessing of his satisfaction.

  Broken cisterns is anything that take the first place in your life, rather than Jesus Christ. It could be your finances, career, families, friends, or ministry. The time will come, when those broken cisterns will become empty. It can also happen like the Samaritan woman that found the well too deep, and didn't have nothing in her hand to draw the water with. When everything else in life is gone, job, friends, families, possessions,health, than the only place always open is the throne of His grace. The only place and person to go will always be our Lord Jesus.

  Dear Friend:
   Nothing in life in this side in  this eternity can last! You can have it, and work for it, but understand that this side is only a short time. You will be able to enjoy whateever you want to achieve for a short period of time, the Lord Jesus want to offer you something more than what you can accomplish. He is offering eternal life and a quality life. He want to have a personal relationship with you, but it is your choice and decision. He is a gentlemen, and will not force anyone to come to drink from the living water. It is an invitation, and it is open for everyone.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Greatest, Is Love

   The greatest gift you can offer to anyone during Christmas, and every day of your life, is Love. The bible teach that God was motivated in Love, to give His only Son Jesus. In (John 3:16) "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

  The greatest demonstration of God Love was done on the cross. In (Rom 5:8) "But demonstrates His own Love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. People during Christmas season are so concern to buy gift, and are willing to go in debt to purchase gift to someone. Yet, God's people are not willing to pay their debt by Loving Him, and genuine Love those He put around us. The store can only sell temporary gifts, that can only bring temporary happiness. But the store can not sell Love that will motivate anyone to give whether someone deserved or not.

 The greatest command is Love. When Jesus was asked which is the greatest command?. Jesus answered  in (Mt 22:37-40) " You shall Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind". [ This is the First and great commandment]. And the second is like it: "You shall Love your neighbor as yourself". [ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophet]. The Lord commanded His disciple to Love one another. In (John 13:34-35) "A new commandment I give you that you Love one another; as I Love you that you also Love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciple if you have Love one another.This Christmas season giving without Love is nothing, but emptiness of those who hearts are captivated to themselves. The truth is that we can not out give God, because He is Love.

 The greatest Fruit of the Spirit is Love. The Apostle Paul wrote in (1 Corinthian 13:13) "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but [ the greatest is Love]. Notice, that he didn't say the greatest is faith, or the greatest is hope. Why Love is the greatest? because I can have faith and hope, by expecting something in retur, but Love those not expect anything in return. It is possible to know all the mystery, It is possible to serve in ministry, It is possible to give food and clothe to the needed, but if this good deeds are not done motivated in Love, it is useless. Any one can give when circumstances are O.K., only when my neighbor appreciate all my efforts that I have done to help them. The Love will give unconditionally whether that person deserved or not. That is how God express His Love toward us, He didn't died on the cross because we were worthy.

 In (1 Corinthian 13:8) Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy; Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity; but rejoices in the truth; bears all things,believes all things,hopes all things,endures all things. Love never fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. This is the reason why the church of Christ, are commanded to be fill with the Holy Spirit. The greatest fruit of the Spirit is Love, what will profit me to give a Christmas gift to someone, and deep in my heart desire evil to that person that was created in God image? It is possible to serve God in ministry, give tithe and offering, sing in the worship service, and not been able to fulfill God priority, which is giving Him a genuine demonstration of our Love to Him. All I am making is a sound of brass or a clanging cymbal.

 The greatest gift, Fruit of the Spirit, and command, is Love. In (1 John 4:18-20) There is no fear in Love, perfect Love cast out fear, because fear involve torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in Love. We Love Him because He First Loved us. This is the key verse: [ If some one says, "I Love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not Love his brother whom he has seen, how can he Love God whom he has not seem]? The epistle of John during the end time event, should be the most preachable epistle in all the church of Christ, because not only is the greatest commandment, but the key for a healthy relation with God and people. The priority of God's will, is not the sacrifices but our obedient. Samuel told Saul that obedient is better than sacrifices. The Lord Jesus respond to the question that was asked, that Love is the First and the greatest command. If you Love Him, you will obey His command. (John 14:15)

   Dear Friend:

 The only thing God ask, is your Love and obedient. He is the only reason for this season in the celebration of Christmas. You and I can go to any corner and ask for money to buy food for our stomach, but you and I can not go to a corner and ask for Love. Everyone will look at you and say that you are crazy, because is either they don't know what genuine Love is, or they never have it or they don't know how to Love someone. The only way you and I can Love unconditionally is by giving your life to Jesus. If you are not born again, you can not Love the way Jesus Love, until you ask him to come to your life, forgive you from all your sins and cleanse you and ask Him to be your Lord for ever. If you are a child of God, and the Lord has convicted you to come back to Him. Ask Him to Forgive you from all your sins and entered again into a loving relationship with Him.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

To Be Fill With The Holy Spirit

  There was a time in my christian life, when my life became like a rollercoster  ride. At the end the result became hopeless and I was defeated. Until one day, the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, and show me what the problem was. The problem  I was facing, was not that I didn't know who the Holy Spirit is, or why did He came for? But because I fell to claim daily, His promise to fill me with the Holy Spirit. The primary reason why I am sharing this testimony, is because this can happen to anybody in the church. Perhaps you could be facing the same situation, that I went through. The second reason is to help you as a believer, to claim daily His promise, in order to be fill with the Holy Spirit.

  The doctrine of the great commission it is one of the command given by Jesus Christ in (Mt 28:19-20). To make disciple, to baptize new believers, and to teach the word of God. But, are this is the only command, the Lord Jesus gave to His disciple? The answer is No. After Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead, He commanded His first disciple to be fill with the Holy Spirit in (Lk 24:49). "Behold, I send the promise of My father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endured with the power from high. The Lord commanded not suggested to His disciple to be fill with the Holy Spirit.

  The Lord Jesus Christ is our example, to be fill with the Holy Spirit before He begin His ministry. In (Lk 4:1) Then Jesus being [ filled with the Holy Spirit ], returned from the Jordan and was [ lead by the Spirit into the wilderness]. The only truth is that only the Holy Spirit of God, can set people free from any bondage of sins. The Lord said not by might or strenght, but by My Spirit. The Lord Jesus said that no one come to Him, unless they are draw to Him.(John 6:44) The Lord is not interested to have a big amount of people in the congregation that they know that have eternal life, in case if they die, but He want to transform and set people free from bondage of sin. The Lord want to have a relationship with people and He demand that every believers walk in obedient.

  The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the harvest, He is the Supreme in revival, evangelism work, and missionary efforts. Without the guidance and the direction of the Holy Spirit every plan and effort are condemn to a failure. It doesn't matter if believers dedicate their life to Christ, give tithe and offering as an act of obedient, pray and fact for the lost one, have daily devotion and study scripture, attend to the church for fellowship, serve in the church, put on the armor of God to enter to a battle and witness to the lost people. The reality of this truth is that you are fighting a lost battle.

   It is written in the bible in (LK 4:18) "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. My question is, How can I set free someone, if I am not walking in obedient toward God and I have sin in my life? The answer is that many believers are depending in their own strenght, ability, and idea. The Pharisees were expert to teach laws, pray and fast but in reality they were not free to themselves. They were able to get group of people to assist to the congregation, but there were not capable to set them free, so they can experience a radical transformation. Only the Holy Spirit can set people free and transform their life into Christ image.

   The Lord command every believer to be fill with the Holy Spirit in (Act 1:8) "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the earth. Why believers are not reflecting the abundant life? Because they are not fill with the Holy Spirit. They are living their life with their own thinking, ideal, skills and strengths. The Lord said that without Him we can not do anything. (John 15:5). The fruit of the Spirit is founded in (Gal 5:22) Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self control. Against such there is no law. The only way believer can bare fruit and be productive is by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  The result of been fill with the Holy Spirit will bring every believers to become obedient to God, instead of obeying God half way. The Lord allow me to experience this situation, so I can bare witness that without the work of the Holy Spirit christians believers are predestine to experience failure. Satan does not want the church of Christ to be fill with the Holy Spirit, He knows that there is power when christians believers obey God. He want to keep believers to experience good thing, in order to prevent believers to experience the best thing. It is not a convenience for him, to allow christians to obey God's command to be fill with the Holy Spirit, because that is the only power that can set free any soul. How can christians claim daily the promise of God, to be fill with the Holy Spirit?

  • The believer must be willing to surrend their life daily in every area of their life and to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit.
  • The believer must confess all their sins, and believe that they are forgiven. (1 John 1:7)
  • The believer must claim the promise by faith, to ask the Lord to fill them with the Holy Spirit. (Act 1:8; Eph 5:18; 1 John 5:14,15).
  • The believer must obey God, in whatever the Holy Spirit is asking to do.
   ounce you claim daily the promised to be fill with the Holy Spirit, you may experience a manifestation of peace and contentment in any circumstance and will bare fruit to help others to know Christ as their personal savior. What good is going to be, if I began to witness Christ to someone, and my conduct and actions does not reflect what I say? The Lord commanded to Love Him first, and then Love other people as yourself. The truth is that if we are honest to our self and to the Lord, you and I can not Love people the way God does. That is the reason why we need to be fill with the Holy Spirit. 

     Dear Friend:
     If you are a believer and you are captivated with sins, prideness, fear, bitterness, anxiety, the good news is that God want to restore your relationship with Him. If you are not a believer, this teaching can only help you to receive Christ as your personal savior. You can not be fill with the Holy Spirit, until you are save first. The only way to obtain salvation, is by faith in Christ, and asked the Lord Jesus to come in to your life, to save you and forgive you from all your sins and be your Lord and savior forever. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Kept from the Hour of Temptation

The phrase in Rev 3:10, Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the earth. It is very important to communicate to the church of Christ, that the last Seven years of Daniel 70th week has three section: The first 3 1/2 years begin with The Beginning of Sorrrow, or The Birth Spang. The second 3 1/2 years which is in the middle point will begin with The Great Tribulation, it is also called Jacob's trouble. The last section is the Day of the Lord, or God's wrath.

  The second point is that The Great Tribulation, spoken by the Lord himself will be "Cut short" for the sake of the elect (Mt 24:22) not the entire tribulation period. The third point is that the Day of the Lord is a time of divine judgment, upon the wicked which occur at the opening of the seventh seal. The Rapture of the church will occur after the sixth seal is open. The bride of Christ is not appointed to wrath, but to obtain salvation in Jesus Christ. (1 Thess 5:9)

  The fourth point is that there is only one second coming. No where in scriptures is founded the word: comings, raptures, resurrections, ends, they are written in a singular not plural. The fifth point is no where in scriptures has ever promised the believer, to be excluded from hardships ,trials, persecutions and afflictions. With this truth in mine, you will get a clear understanding of the phrase in Rev 3:10. The important part to bring the three section of the last Daniel 70th week, is the key to bring clarification of the text. The text appear to say that God " Will Keep" the faithful "From the hour of testing".

   There are three key phrase in this text: "Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you", "The hour of testing." Lets begin with the critical phrase "keep you from". The verb "to keep" is the Greek verb [tēréō] it is used twice in this text. The primary meaning is to guard, watch over, or keep. In the new testament it is used "to observe or to follow". The phrase has a cause and effect relationship meaning, [Because you have observed or followed from your part, My word of patience, I from My part, will guard or watch over you, From the hour of testing. That is how the Greek verb [tēréō] is used.

   What has the church of Philadelphia "kept"- Followed or observed, as it were- that has such value to Christ that obligates Him to give them something in return? The answer is, the word of My [Christ] perseverance. The next question should be: What instruction concerning Christs instruction, concerning patience have the faithful believer in the church of Philadelphia, have been following that delights the heart of Christ?. The answer is the faithful have observed or followed Christ instruction concerning patient. In Rev 3:8 the church of Philadelphia had "kept My word and have not denied My name". As it was in the days of John instructed the church of Philadelphia, in the last days the church will be called upon to persevere, to keep the word and the testimony for the sake of Christ's name.

    The evidence is in (Mt 24:9,13) "Then they will [deliver] you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name... "But the one who [endures] to the end, he shall be saved [delivered"]. The word perseverance, patience and endurance are communicating the idea: "To overcome difficulties, to stand firm, to stand one's ground in the midst of difficulties. The church of Christ have the calling to remain faithful and truthful for the Lord Christ, during the last 70th week of Daniel. The perseverance or patience spoken in (Rev 3:10) are associated with (Rev 13:10, 14:9) during the persecution of the Antichrist. From the beginning I say that Daniel last 70th week has three section: The Beginning of Sorrow, the Great Tribulation and The Day of the Lord, I also say that there is only one second coming.

    If the Rapture of the church occur before the tribulation period begin, then there will be no logic for the Lord to say [Because you have kept the word of My patience]. The next verse the Lord is telling the church of Philadelphia, [ I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown]. The next point is for those who overcomes, giving the promise of reward. If the Rapture happen in the middle point, which is the first 3 1/2 years, then it will contradict other passage and event like the Abomination of the Desolation, spoken by the Lord himself giving the exact same reference of the prophet Daniel (Dan 9:27) and the Great Tribulation (Mt 24:21, Rev 7:14) The believer that came out of the Great Tribulation, who are they?

 Since the Rapture happen in the middle point of Daniel 70th week. The Rapture at the Post view at the opening of the seventh seal, are putting the bride of Christ to experience God's wrath. What happen to the security of the salvation of the believers?. The seventh seal indicate God's judgment upon the wicked and the chapter 8 is all about divine judgment, no blessing is associated.The word [From] is the shortest Greek word of [ek] many has interpreted as been removed or protected from something.The preposition of [to be kept from] is the Greek word of [apókept from something else, [apó] is normally the preposition used.

The Greek word all together [tēréō ek ] is the translation of something that come out of it, representing something that comes "out from the midst of" something else. [ tēréō ek], can only refer to guarding or protecting those who persevere while they are within the sphere of danger, and bringing them safely out from the midst of danger, and then bringing them safely out from the midst of danger. In (2 Pet 2:9) the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from [ek] temptation [testing-Peirasmόs], and to keep the unrigtheous under punishment for the day of judgment. The Apostle is not saying that believers will be kept away from [apó] the hour of testing [Peirasmόs], but that the godly will be rescued "out from the midst of " [ek] this time of testing [ Peirasmόs]. Now back to the phrase in (Rev 3:10) [Because you have kept the word of My patience, I will keep you from the hour of temptation].

 The second phrase is the hour of temptation. The Greek word is [Peirasmόs] which mean [a putting to the proof, or a test] the test can be good or bad. The important part to remember is that the testing that the Lord is speaking, is parallel in the context of the end time event of the last 70th week of Daniel. The hour of the temptation is a test were faithful believers will demonstrate to the Antichrist that Jesus is their Lord and savior, by not bowing down to worship him. Those who does not bow down will be persecuted or killed. Also believers will be seduced, hated and betrayed (Mt 24:9-10). The love of many for God will grow cold (Mt 24:12). The faith of those who did not denie Christ in the first 3 1/2 years will be rewarded. [ Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep you from the hour of temptation].

Lets view one more time [Rev 3:10] with the Rapture view: If the Rapture occur Pre-Tribulation, the word testing which is [Peirasmόs] would not be written. There will be no logic to put some one into a test, if the church has been Rapture or Resurrected.The testing those not come from God, but from Satan. The word of God said [James 1:13] Let no one say when he is [tempted] by God, for God cannot be [tempted] by evil, and He Himself does not tempt any one. The Greek verb [peirazό], come from the same root [peira], as those the noun [Peirasmόs] translated testing. The hour of testing cannot be at "The Day of the Lord" which is the divine time of judgment upon the wicked. The only biblical logic interpretation is that the [temptation] will happen within the 70th week of Daniel. It is clear that in (Rev 7:14) [ are the ones who come out of [ek] the great tribulation].
Dear Friend:
   God want his bride to remain faithful to Him no matter what. Those who trust the Lord will be kept from the hour of temptation. The Lord has a plan, and He will keep all of His promise. He said that He will never leave us and forsake us. Those who killed with a sword, will die with a sword. The Lord is a fair judge. If you are not a believer, the time of Christ second coming is at the door. If you have not asked Jesus to come in to your life and save you, the bad news is that you cannot enter to heaven, unless you asked Jesus to come to your life. All of the temporary pleassure will turn ashes!!